Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School week #2

Well, school is going well for BB so far. He doesn't detest it yet. He is adjusting to the amount of class changing this year. This is the first year where you not only change every class, but your whole class doesn't go with you. So he is becoming more socially noticed by everyone else in the school. Not just the same kids everywhere. He says that it makes the day go by fast because of all the changing. He has 7 periods now instead of last years' 4. This means that there are more notebooks and stuff to carry along with him. Thank goodness for the sales with the nickel-priced notebooks! I just hope that we can keep all of this organized all year long! It is always fun to see at the end of the year, assignments that were due stuffed into folders and binder pockets all mashed up and hidden. No wonder his grades weren't what I expected. hmmmm....
It also has been week #2 for LB. Week #2 of NO school still. I just realized today that we never see any parents around here who put up a real fight. It seems like everyone is easy-going and just goes along with the ride. Whatever is put in there path, they accept and keep moving. This just wouldn't fly in our previous home area. When we were in the northern VA area, there were so many schools afraid of being sued for not protecting the rights of the child and/or parents. There were advocate groups willing to go and fight tooth and nail for services. And irate parents battling the school systems. I don't know how many copies of "parental rights" we got over the years. They could have saved many a forest if they didn't give them out at every single IEP (Individual Education Plan/Program) meeting. Anyway, I know Mom of DDG, I shouldn't have moved. I just need to rant a bit.
I called the admin office today to see how progress is going and was told they would have to call me back. Hope I hear something soon. I'll keep you all posted when I'm posted. LB hasn't been weepy anymore like the first day. But I know he needs to get out there and be social and learn a few things. The letter the board sent me said that "due to circumstances beyond the control of the district...". I just caught that today. Hopefully it really isn't the schools fault then and maybe the construction company was causing all the delay. We shall see. Anyway, it sure would be nice to go to the store without being coerced into extra purchases. Oh, and a shower during the daytime? Oh heaven! Being able to vacuum without any complaints. Nice. Going to the mall! Good grief! C'mon school! It's not fair-ah!


Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

If you would have stayed here, he would be in school and we could go to the Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins!

Maybe you're the one that needs to start the 'fight' up there. You've been through some things, and know some of the ropes. Maybe since no one has fought up there, no one knows what to do. SURELY that room could have been done with the entire SUMMER to work on it! And even at that, when they were remodeling here, they set up trailers for the classrooms that weren't ready. I say start belly aching. Did they ever call you back?

Melanie Welanie said...

You know I don't like confrontation! :) Actually, when we were in VA I didn't feel the need to fight like the other parents. Then when we got here, everything was gravy. This is the first real glitch we have come across. That's the only question I do have for them though. Why couldn't they have done the work all summer long!? I did get a call back. She said there will be another letter coming out shortly about the progress. Maybe in a way, I am starting to be a fighter. I bet I was the only parent that called.

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I would like to know how they are making up the time lost, too. Or if they are looking at it as the special needs room, and who cares about those kids. And if they don't care about that group, then someone needs to raise some heck.

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said... there anything in those parent's righte letters things they give you about LB having the right to a FULL school year of teaching? Maybe you should call them again to ask if they need you to get the number for a trailer rental like our schools use.

Melanie Welanie said...

I see you feel my frustration. :) I got a call today and now hear that Mon or Tue will be their first day. I sure hope this room is as spectacular as they say.