Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Something new to look at

I have seen this picture on a couple of sites and had to share. It cracks me up all the time. I figured you all needed something new to see on here. I know I haven't been posting lately. Sorry, I will pick it up here soon.


Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

What happened to the Bones episodes? My DVR cut off the final 2 minutes again last night and I came here to view it and it was gone!

sharp as a marble said...

OMG my jaw is out of place! Don't feel bad my blog project has really been held up due to work and other boring stuff like that.

Melanie Welanie said...

Mom of DDG- Sorry, I put the Bones widget back. Did you notice the Pushing Daisies widget at the bottom of the page?

SAAM- I love this pic! Let me know when you get a chance, I will help you get started. Hopefully I can get my own started back up here. :)

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

Thank you! I never miss much, but it always cuts off mid sentence!