Everyone has been so sweet. Thanks to all of you for your support, phone calls, and well wishes. We got a visit from LB's teacher with Get Well Soon cards made from his class along with cake. Yum!! Oh yeah, sorry, no picture of the cake. heehee
And then he got this in the mail from the family of Dippy, Dingy, and Goofy...
So we will be well occupied, feeling good, and on a sugar high for a while. :)
Hmmm....maybe we're sending the wrong message here. Get injured, receive goodies.
by the way, sugar highs cure everything!
That is impressive, the closest we ever came to that was jello when you got your braces adjusted go LB!
See? I knew we were sending the wrong message. Now The Marble household is going to purposely injure someone just to get some goodies!
And really? Jello? That's it for all the pain of braces?
I firmly agree with goodie rewards. When do we get our birthing rewards?
I just clicked your Peanut Butter Jelly Time link.....that is freakin' Hill Air EE Us!!!
And how dare you ask about your birthing reward..you got your precious boys...Yeah right! Your reward comes when you get old and can move in with them and make them take care of YOU! YOU get to bug them about where to get supper from and what to watch on tv and, well, you get the picture.
I don't know why, but I love that PBJ song.
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