Yep, it's snow! Yeah, It's Ohio. And yes, I know I chose to live here.
I was just getting used to having the nice fall weather too. I have been mulching leaves for quite some time now. Since we have this beautiful, huge oak tree in our front yard, we have alot of leaves to deal with. This year I have been a bit more prepared. And the neighbors must be kicking their heels. Our neighbors are very "yard conscious". Usually when one mower is heard, the next one is not too far off. It's like a domino effect. When one person mows, then we all should follow accordingly. I am usually a follower of many things. Yardwork isn't one of them. I am getting better. Or rather, forced to get better. The pressure!
The past 2 years have showed me the error of my ways. The whole rule on "slow and steady wins the race". This year I am the tortoise. I actually got the mower out every few days to mulch up the falling leaves and I believe the neighbors have had less "ditch-burning" this time around. See, I am used to the city. When we lived in VA, there were no open fires allowed, so we raked. When we got here, not only did we rake, but we raked up after a much bigger tree. The first year I tackled it, we must have had 20 bags of leaves. The big-sized bags. Plus the neighbors burned them in the ditches and taught me about open fires. The flames went so high in the ditch in front of my house, that it melted my newspaper box and killed a bush that was in the way. Our paper person replaced the box, not asking what happened. How embarrassing.
Since that incident, I haven't attempted ditch-burning again. Who knows what I could catch on fire. I'm just not that confident yet. So I just ran the leaves over with the mower. The lesser of the two evils. Nevertheless, I must say I am proud of myself for preparing this time. And riding on the mower instead of raking? Forget about it! No sore muscles the next day. What was I thinking in years past? Learned my lesson, for sure!
So this morning we woke up to snow. On the trampoline, the cars, the rooftops. Nothing really on the ground, but still, snow. We are supposed to be in the high 30's to low 50's this week with a little more snow coming this weekend. Guess we better batten down the hatches. Soon we will be sledding and the kids will be enjoying snow days.
The kids are doing well in school by the way. I am happy to say that their report cards were very good. BB has improved incredibly. We were worried a bit with the interim reports. But by the time the report cards came out, he had brought everything up. Now he is getting rich. We are giving him monetary rewards for the great grades. Whoever said bribery was a bad thing, was just nuts. Works for us! LB is doing well in his new class. He has a field trip coming up this week. They will be going to the grocery store to get supplies for their Thanksgiving lunch the next day. The kids will be preparing the meal, setting the tables, making the placemats and decorating for the parents to come in for lunch. LB's classroom has a kitchen area for the kids to learn life skills. Very nice.
Well, I guess I better get going. The snow has gotten me in the mood to get some shopping done. I am going to go out and try to shop for the kids. Sorry, can't tell you what I am looking for. BB reads the blog too. Sorry BB, gotta wait till Christmas. Have a good day, all. And if you are experiencing some of this snow like us, then snuggle in and keep warm. :)