Wednesday, July 1, 2009

In my garden

As promised, the photos of my garden so far.

My Dad getting my ground ready

Green beans


Peas a week later

Green beans a week later

I just put in tomatoes and green peppers in the middle. I did plant cucumbers and carrots but haven't seen any yet. I think it's because of those darn critters.

Hopefully we will get a good bit of veggies this year.



Anonymous said...

Auntie S says:

What kind of fertilozer do you use? AND did you give some to your Dad? His hair is amazing! I suppose because I remember his young self in the 60's & 70's, clean cut and spit polished. I do like the color tho, 'cause it looks a lot like mine.

Melanie Welanie said...

Dad told me of some "purified manure" that doesn't smell as bad as the fresh stuff. And, no, I didn't pour any on his head. :)

Yeah, he said since it won't grow anymore on the top, he will take what he can get!